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2023: Snowdrift

Snowdrift Facts:

1. 8 in pneumatic wheel shifting tank 

2. Scores cubes and cones in hybrid nodes

3. Balances of charge station in autonomous

4. a position pneumatically actuated arm 

5. Drives 20 feet per second 


2022: Permafrost

Permafrost Facts:

1. 4 falcon west coast drive 

2. Shoots cargo into the upper hub

3. 5 cargo autonomous incorporating     trajectory tracking

4. Calculates distance from target           with limelight 


2022 FRC & Rules:


2020-2021: Ice-olation 

Ice-olation Facts:

1. 4 falcon powered west coast drive

2. 3 powercell autonomous

3. Can score upper power port

4. Can fit under trench run

5. Climbs generator switch

Image from iOS (3).jpg

2020-2021 FRC & Rules:

2019: Toboggan

Toboggan Facts:

1. 5 omnidirectional wheel slide drive

2. Can score hatch panels in cargo ship and level 1 rocket 

3. Onboard vision for sandstorm

4. Drives off HAB level 2 in sandstorm

5. Level 3 HAB climb

6. Captain of a finalist alliance at North Star Regional Competition!

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2019 FRC & Rules:

2018: RowBoat

Image from iOS (1).jpg

RowBoat Reveal Video:


RowBoat Facts:

RowBoat Facts:

1. Can triple climb with extendable wings

2. Cube lift can go up 86" in 1.5 seconds

3. Can score on scale in highest position with arms

4. 4 CIM tank drive

5. Automatic cube straightening on controls

2018 FRC & Rules:

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